The Killing Game
The Killing Game was an event that took place in December 2017. It involved twelve players trying to kill each other and be the last one left. Each player also has their unique advantages and disadvantages.
- 1 Game Format
- 2 Players
- 3 Roles
- 3.1 Ultimate Plumber - SF: The Dark Warrior
- 3.2 Ultimate Player Two - littlelum
- 3.3 Ultimate Princess - Yoshin
- 3.4 Ultimate Koopa - Willsaber
- 3.5 Ultimate Boo - Blastermaster
- 3.6 Ultimate Dino - StirlADrei
- 3.7 Ultimate Bob-omb - Mr. Saltman
- 3.8 Ultimate Greed - VinnyVideo
- 3.9 Ultimate Gamer - Fun with Despair/Nagito Komaeda
- 3.10 Just an Average Toad - KirbyLover2048
- 3.11 Ultimate Shyguy - UltLuigi
- 3.12 Ultimate Kart Driver - Evil Yoshi Toes
- 4 Timeline
Game Format
Each night (or round) would consist of three phases. The first phase, called "The Killing Phase" is where players roam the castle, gathering clues and trying to kill another player (without getting killed themselves). Each player sends a PM consisting of the actions they want to take to the host, who will then randomly decide who kills someone and the timeline of the night. Phase two (The Investigation Phase) is where players talk about what happened during the night and try to figure out who is the murderer. Players may also investigate the rooms looking for evidence. The last phase (Class Trial) is where the players state their accusations and vote for who they want to lynch.
- Blastermaster (Ultimate Boo)
- Evil Yoshi Toes (Ultimate Kart Driver)
- KirbyLover2048 (Just an Average Toad)
- littlelum (Ultimate Player Two)
- Mr. Saltman (Ultimate Bob-bomb)
- Fun With Despair (called Nagito Komaeda) (Ultimate Gamer)
- SF: The Dark Warrior (Ultimate Plumber)
- StirlADrei (Ultimate Dino)
- UltLuigi (Ultimate Shyguy)
- VinnyVideo (Ultimate Greed)
- Willsaber (Ultimate Koopa)
- Yoshin (Ultimate Princess)
Ultimate Plumber - SF: The Dark Warrior
+During the Killing Phase, you may use the ability WARP PIPE to use any plumbing as a shortcut from one room to another, as long as there is an entrance/exit such as a sink or toilet.
+During the Investigation Phase, you may gain additional clues about the case if you investigate the plumbing, provided the plumbing is relevant of course. For example, you might find blood in the drain and prove that someone tried to wash away evidence. This would make anyone seen entering that room a suspect.
-Your colorful clothing makes you stand out in Witness Accounts.
-You smell like you crawled out of a sewer any time you use your WARP PIPE.
Ultimate Player Two - littlelum
+You must choose one target each night as your PLAYER ONE. You may then choose to forfeit the rest of your actions and FOLLOW that player during the Killing Phase, gaining exclusive clues about their actions in your witness account.
+Should you FOLLOW your PLAYER ONE, they have a higher chance of succumbing to another player’s murder attempt in your place should you be specifically targeted. This may only occur once in the entire Killing Game.
-All of your actions come after your PLAYER ONE whether you FOLLOW them or not.
-If your PLAYER ONE attempts to kill you, they have a higher chance than normal to succeed since they get to play before you.
Ultimate Princess - Yoshin
+With your loyal servants throughout the castle, all of them a variety of Toad, you are the queen of gossip. You are given extremely vague details about the murder in the upcoming Investigation Phase ahead of time and may use them to your advantage with one of the following abilities: You may WHISPER two words into a TARGETED PLAYER’S EAR before they wake but they must not contain any PLAYER’S NAME. OR You may PLANT EVIDENCE from the Investigation Phase in a TARGETED PLAYER’S ROOM but DIMENTIO gets to choose the evidence planted.
-You do not have any abilities that will affect the Killing Phase.
-If you are the murderer, someone among your servants might leak some information about you to the other players.
-If you leak any of the Investigation Details before they go public, you will be EXECUTED immediately.
-ULTIMATE KOOPA has a higher chance of succeeding on murder attempts against you.
Ultimate Koopa - Willsaber
+You may use your FIRE BREATH in your murder attempts or to cause property damage during the Killing Phase.
+You have two UNDERLINGS and all three of you may act independently, allowing you to cover more ground in the Killing Phase. You may choose what your underlings look like or DIMENTIO will. Their appearance must be of typical Bowser minions from the Mario Bros. series, so you can’t look like another player, and they don’t get any special abilities regardless of their appearance.
+You have a higher chance of succeeding in a murder attempt against the ULTIMATE PRINCESS.
-If any one of you dies, whether by murder or getting lynched, all of you die.
-Your underlings aren't very bright and their witness accounts will be vague.
Ultimate Boo - Blastermaster
+During the Killing Phase you may PHASE THROUGH WALLS between rooms.
+You are INVISIBLE whenever you are standing still.
+During the Investigation Phase, you may ask DIMENTIO a question to send to your fellow GHOSTS. They must agree upon ONE WORD to answer your question and it must not contain a PLAYER NAME.
-Each time you PHASE THROUGH WALLS, you leave a SPOOKY RESIDUE visible to other players that you cannot remove.
-If a player looks you in the eye, you are too shy to move and become INVISIBLE until they leave you alone.
Ultimate Dino - StirlADrei
+You may FLUTTER JUMP over obstacles during the Killing Phase.
+You may EAT ITEMS and up to five of them will trail behind you in EGGS for later use. These EGGS will stick with you until you use them, even through multiple Killing Phases.
+You may THROW EGGS as a weapon or to free your item.
-You start out in an EGG on Night One. While you cannot be killed by other players, you also cannot do anything during the Killing Phase and won’t receive a Witness Account. You will hatch at the beginning of the Investigation Phase.
-Upon being hit or frightened, you will FLEE recklessly, as well as LOSE ONE EGG and the item within it.
-If the item inside your EGG is fragile, it will break when you THROW it. You may ask ahead of time if an item is fragile before you EAT it.
Ultimate Bob-omb - Mr. Saltman
+You may SELF-DESTRUCT, killing not only yourself but one other player within range of you. If you succeed in taking another player down with you, there will be no Class Trial and you will automatically earn a Ultimate Murderer badge.
-There is a chance you will MISS the player if you don't plan well enough, killing yourself for no reason. There will be a Class Trial to determine who killed you, though. I wonder… will the players be able to determine it was suicide or lynch someone for your death?
Ultimate Greed - VinnyVideo
+During the Killing Phase, you may CHARGE in a straight line, knocking away anyone in your path.
+Your FLATULENCE may be used in a murder attempt, it is that potent.
+You may STEAL one item from one player per Killing Phase, barely sating your GREED.
-Your GARLIC BREATH announces your arrival before you do, alerting other players to your presence.
-Players may BRIBE you with items to do stuff for them and being so GREEDY, you can't help but accept. The request must be within reason of course, they can't force you to kill or vote a certain way. Of course, maybe if they never find out about your GREED...
Ultimate Gamer - Fun with Despair/Nagito Komaeda
+Using your STRATEGY GUIDE, you know all roles.
+You have an EXTRA LIFE, negating one attempt on you in the game. This may only occur once in the entire Killing Game. Another attempt that night will be rolled and if there are no other attempts, funky stuff will happen.
-Your STRATEGY GUIDE does not tell you who the roles belong to.
-If you copy and paste the roles verbatim, you will be EXECUTED immediately.
-You are ADDICTED to MOUNTAIN DEW and CHEETOS and must retrieve some from the KITCHEN each night during the Killing Phase.
Just an Average Toad - KirbyLover2048
+You blend in with the other Toads in the castle, so people don’t seem to notice you. Descriptions of you will be vague in Witness Accounts.
-Nothing else is special about you and your voice is annoying to everyone around you. You’re just an average Toad, man. The last guy picked for any party game.
Ultimate Shyguy - UltLuigi
+Once a night, during the Killing Phase, you must change your MASK and gain a random benefit OR downside from another role.
+You will appear as that role and gain a description of your MASK in your Witness Account. -What MASK you are wearing and whether it gives you a benefit or a downside are determined randomly.
Ultimate Kart Driver - Evil Yoshi Toes
+Start with a KART. You may DRIVE it through the castle during the Killing Phase and run over other players with above average speed.
-Any LIQUID or OBSTACLE in your path will spin you out of control and knock you out for a bit.
Execution #1
KirbyLover2048 was thrown in the moat for not submitting an action for the killing phase
Night 1
-Koopatroll (Koopa Troopa in suit of armor) searches Bedroom Hall A by passing through the Atrium while Magenta Dry Bones searches Bedroom Hall B and Willsaber moves to the Main Stairs.
-Evil Yoshi Toes goes to the Rec Room and waits to kill UltLuigi. Koopatroll and EYT spot each other.
-Nagito Komaeda heads to the Kitchen, passing by Koopatroll in Bedroom Hall A and Willsaber by the Main Stairs.
-UltLuigi heads to the Royal Hall Entrance and passes by Koopatroll and Willsaber on his way as well as two Toads working on the 2F landing. Walks through the Royall Hall to the Dining Room Entrance and searches through the food supplies.
-BlasterMaster equips a pillow case, covering his face with it. He walks out his door and heads to the Main Stairs, passing by both Koopatroll and Willsaber. He phases through Willsaber and the Stairs, leaving behind his pillow case. He enters the Library this way and searches for Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard on audiobook.
-Littlelum searches Bathroom B and passes by Magenta Dry Bones to enter StirlADrei’s room. He finds an egg, covers himself with a blanket and tries to kill it with silly putty… doing nothing more than smearing it all over the egg. Gross. He returns to his room wearing a blanket, stumbling into walls as he passes through.
-Nagito Komaeda uses the Dumbwaiter to access the Dining Room, where he runs into UltLuigi and is noticed by several Toads milling about. He dresses up like a Toad Janitor and then heads back down to the Kitchen through the Dumbwaiter.
-Nagito Komaeda grabs a mop, bucket, two knives (stashing one in his pocket and the other in the mop bucket. He searches for cleaning solvents in order to try and clean up any ectoplasm and finds a half empty bottle of Boo-B-Gone. Just as he eats his Doritos and drinks a can of Mountain Dew, UltLuigi comes down through the Dumbwaiter and begins to make spaghetti and meatballs. They both notice each other, but say nothing.
-Nagito exits the Kitchen with mop and bucket in tow and begins to mop outside the Kitchen door. Nagito waits for the coast to be clear, then stabs Willsaber, knocking him out from shock and rolls around in his blood.
-Blastermaster phases into the Kitchen through the Library Wall and Stairs. Sees UltLuigi cooking spaghetti, he quietly phases a hand through the knife drawer, filling it with ectoplasm, taking a knife out, and phasing back through the wall unnoticed. UltLuigi too busy cooking with his back turned to the spoopy ghost to notice as he passes through and phases through the opposite Kitchen Wall.
-VinnyVideo exits his room and heads to the Main Stairs, passing by Magenta Dry Bones and unconscious Willsaber until he notices a bloody Nagito mopping the floor as he moves away from the stairs. He uses Flatulence but Nagito is unaffected due to the power of Pine-Sol baby.
-Disappointed, he heads up the stairs and into the Dining Room which he searches. Passing by 2F Landing Toads and multiple Toads working in the Dining Room.
-UltLuigi exits the Kitchen and heads to his bedroom for the night. He passes by cleaning Nagito, unconcious Willsaber and the KoopaTroll.
-SF: The Dark Warrior searches his bedroom and, finding nothing, heads to the Lounge Room, passing by Magenta Dry Bones. He then searches the Lounge.
-Blastermaster phases through KirbyLover’s room, through the Dining Room where he is noticed by multiple Toads milling about, out of the castle and going around to phase through SF’s bedroom wall where he is noticed by the landscaper Toads. He hides in SF’s closet.
-Yoshin heads to the kitchen, passing by Koopatroll, a mopping Nagito and an unconscious WIllsaber and tries to make something meaty but the kitchen is a complete mess with all the dishes being used up. She does find a leftover meatloaf in the fridge though and takes that.
-SF returns to his room and is attacked by BlasterMaster with a knife. He tries to fight the ghostly being off, and ectoplasm covers the room in the struggle but eventually finds a knife stabbed through his chest. He dies, choking on lungs full of blood.
-Mr. Saltman heads to the Bathroom in Hall A and takes a towel, passing by Koopatroll.
-Yoshin heads to the library, taking a DVD PLAYER and some anime. Then asks people to watch Anime with her in the gym. However, only her 2F Landing Toads and Vinny Video accept. They all enter the Gym and watch Hidemari Sketch on the Gym Projector.
-Mr. Saltman waits outside the Castle Entrance for VinnyVideo to come outside, passing by a cleaning Nagito heading for Hall B and unconscious Willsaber to get there.
-BlasterMaster notices in SF’s bloody mirror that his pillow case is gone and puts on a bloody one from SF’s room before walking out. He passes by Magenta Dry Bones and runs into Nagito. They duck out of Hall B and huddle behind Fountain B. Nagito points out unconscious Willsaber and Blastermaster gets an idea…
-BlasterMaster makes sure the coast is clear before phasing into Willsaber’s unconcious body, finding him easy to manipulate in this state. The phantom Willsaber picks up the bloody pillow case and puts it on then heads to Willsaber’s room. Magenta Dry Bones notices this as does VinnyVideo… who is returning to his room.
-Nagito Komaeda cleans up any ectoplasm he can find except for the one BlasterMaster has planted in his room.
-Yoshin and Mr. Saltman return to their rooms. The Koopatroll and Magenta Dry Bones stand outside Willsaber’s Room to guard it, BlasterMaster phases through Willsaber’s wall and hides out in the courtyard (the gardening Toads are gone), then once Nagito’s cleaning is complete he retires as well.
-Evil Yoshi Toes passed out waiting for UltLuigi to enter the Rec Room.
Execution #2
Littlelum and UltLuigi each get three votes. Littlelum loses the coin toss, then gets turned into soup which is eaten by the rest of the players.
Execution #3
Saltman and StirlADrei get sealed in an airtight tank filled with salt for failing to submit an action for the second killing phase.
The End
Pedigree's computer crashes, causing the game to end.