
From Mario Fan Games Galaxy Wiki
Revision as of 17:57, 14 July 2013 by Vitiman (talk | contribs)
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Usage and Notes




All images used by this template are in *.png format, as they are on the forums.

Will link to the given badge name in Image:Badge_name.png (ie. "mod" will link to

Badge mod.png



How it used to work

This template generates a div with some floating divs in it.

An article cannot link to any Mediawiki image page or external (even on the same host) URL with an HTML / CSS style declaration, so the first subdiv contains a typical Image: namespace inclusion, while the second floats on top of it and displays the given number.

How it works now

It sort of works the same but more confusing now, so that the numbers can be displayed the same way that they are in the forums.

Don't try editing this unless you understand how to use the ParserFunctions, StringFunctions and VariablesExtension extensions and are pretty good at wikicode. --Kyori 03:03, 22 April 2010 (UTC))