Nintendo Community Fangame Convention 2010
From Mario Fan Games Galaxy Wiki
- A Paper Mario Puzzle Game (Fidu)
- Deadly Danger Dungeon (LordGavin)
- Eternal Mansion (Char)
- Highway Trouble (Supernova)
- Late Night Mario 2 (Glukom)
- Mario Builder 9-6 (Ting_Thing)
- Mario's House of STHU (Shaq Fu)
- Mario's Rules: Variety on 3 (Yahochi-1359)
- Monkey Wars! (Laan)
- Mushroom Patrol: Midas Machine (Guinea)
- Plumber Waluigi (Alex)
- Psycho Waluigi WIP Demo 2 (Thunder Dragon)
- Revenge of the Walrus (VinnyVideo)
- Skypop Scramble (ancara22)
- SMRPG: The Starlite Worlds (cdivision)
- Super Mario: The Stellar Star Quest (Fluix3YB)
- Super Mario Bros. Ultra (Yoshbert)
- Super Mario Bros. X (Redigit)
- Super Mario Fusion Revival (JudgeSpear)
- Super Mario Legend (DavidCaruso)
- Super Mario RPG: Seven Sages (cdivision)
- Super Mario Wars! (ortmon)
- Tech Wing Fangames (Dinner Sonic)
- TerrorMario! (WiWa)
- WiTT - What is This Thing? (DJ Yoshiman)
Legend of Zelda
- Sage Night (Bludleef)
- LoZ: Oracle of Secrets (Mamoruanime)
- Four Swords Online (Knighty)
- Metroid Comical (ronny14)
- Minitroid (Tokinsom)
- Metroid: Genesis (Morrad)
- Project AM2R (DoctorM64)
- Rendezvous Delano (DeProgrammer)
- Super Metroid World (DeProgrammer)
- An Aquatic Pokemon Tale (Char)
- Pokemon Battle Online (Mecha the Slag)
- Pokemon Mystery Universe (pkFire-a)
- Pokemon Garnet and Amethyst (EarthBorn)
- Pokemon Blue Chrome (Luka S.J.)
- Saturn Valley Online (Skye)
- Unearthed (HyperBound)
- EarthBound 3 (EBZero2009)
- MegaMan: Citrus Cult (MM:CC)
- Megaman: Day in the Limelight (Riverroad)
- Mega Man Inverse (Alex-Standler17)
- Mega Man Rock (Briraka)
- green couch games (TheSuperyoshi)
- GM Donkey Kong Country Engine (Burningamester)
- Fire Emblem: Immortal Sword (BwdYeti)
Media Attention
NCFC 2010 was featured in the British video gaming magazine NGamer (a scan of the article can be found in this topic).