Dark Yoshi

From Mario Fan Games Galaxy Wiki

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Dark Yoshi

Dark Yoshi's Reference, drawn by himself.
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Aliases: Hurricane, DY, Dee Why
Interests: Unknown
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Not to be confused with CatezeeY.

Dark Yoshi is an Oldbie MFGGer who joined the Mario Fan Games Galaxy on January 6th, 2002. He is mostly active in the Casual Conversation Castle.

The Dark Yoshi Flame War

Dark Yoshi submitted a lib of his original character to MFGG. He received criticism for the lib because it contained sprites of only his original character, not Mario. The sprites were also low-quality.

After that, he stopped posting temporarily.


Dark Yoshi created a website called "Demon Sanctuary" on September 19th, 2004. It was later taken down for hosting a Multimedia Fusion crack linked to on the website. The site was never reopened.

As of the Summer of 2006, Dark Yoshi has become much more involved in the forums, due to the MFGG Wrestling forum game that he took part in. His oldest friends are Yoshiman, Techokami, Chris the Hedgehog, and Nite Shadow, though in the mid-2000's he became friends with Über n00ber and Captain Jeff Silvers. Dark Yoshi is a less active poster nowadays but still visits the forums occasionally..