Battle Without Honor or Humility

From Mario Fan Games Galaxy Wiki

Battle Without Honor or Humility was a CCC sub-forum created by DJ Yoshiman on January 23rd, 2008. It was very much like ShadowMan's Zombie Week, but featured a battle against Zekewars instead of zombies.

The topics were split into four different areas, and were further split into two separate topics, two battles for each day. The areas were:

  • The Trenches
  • The Local Town
  • The Jungle
  • The CIA Building
  • Final Destination

The objective, like Zombie Week, was to post as much (without completely repeating previous posts) as possible, while stating whose side you're on in each post. The number of posts for each side were tallied up by DJ Yoshiman there-after.

Zekewars was defeated.

The Prevention of Judgement Day

Despite the battle being won, the effects of Zeke's "takeover" carried on to February 18th, 2008 where The Great Mistake took place. The MFGG Forums were shut down and revived through a backup by Retriever II, resulting in a complete rollback to January 7th, 2008. It was in this brief period where Black Squirrel traveled into the MFGG of the past to put a stop to the BWHoH and succeeded, sending it to the Cave of Flames. It was a bit like Terminator 2, except it sucked. BS's lame "catchphrase" was apparently "I'll be Black" (although he's not really black). Also nobody really cared.