Timeline of MFGG
From Mario Fan Games Galaxy Wiki
(Redirected from 2016)
The Timeline of MFGG is a chronological list of significant events that have happened since the inception of
Mario Fan Games Galaxy.
- Thunder Dragon creates the Bowser Technologies website.
- July 9th - Mario Fan Games Galaxy is formed, Bowser Technologies is closed.
- Supertoad2k, Kyle and Nite Shadow are made administrators.
- Fireball20k and DJ Yoshiman are promoted to moderators.
- The MFGG banner is changed to adequately conceal the moderators and admins of MFGG on the right, not seen very well, prompting MFGGers to question why the Shy Guy is confused.
- April 1st - April Fool's Prank. Forum changed to "Wario Fan Games Galaxy" by Kritter.
- April - Great Kyle Flamewar
- April - Kritter becomes Administrator, replacing Kyle.
- May - MugenMidget discloses the location of the "Secret Page," a page on the MFGG website no one had seen before, but was alluded to by Thunder Dragon on several occasions. The secret page can be found here: http://web.archive.org/web/20020617010255/http://fanmade.emulationzone.org/mfgg/mfgg1/secret.htm
- Several MFGGers start a badge fad. The badges were created by the MFGGers themselves, for specific reasons, and distributed for members to put in their signatures, accordingly to the badge creator's purpose. Actual forum badges would not be seen again until the Invision rendition of the forums would be created, allowing such a possibility.
- SFGHQ vs. MFGG Forum War
- February - VBulletin version of message boards is opened. Fireball3k and DJ Yoshiman lose their moderator powers as a result. Nite Shadow loses his administration position as well, though Supertoad2k is bumped down to a moderator.
- Willy Goldwater becomes host of MFGG.
- October 11th - Invision version of message boards is opened, replacing the VBulletin one, though all previous members save for a few did not register until the 13th.
- November - Blaze Hedgehog releases Super Mario Blue Twilight. The game eventually gets showcased on "Attack of the Show," a show on the television network G4. The show then reveals a link to MFGG, marking the first and only time MFGG has been showcased on television.
- LAMGS is created.
- Cutman introduces the member base to The Face with an innocent-looking post and picture.
- The MFGG banner is changed again, to now include more MFGGers, and no longer denotes members with special privileges.
- February - Arts Board is opened.
- ShadowMan is made Administrator.
- March 20th - 2004 MFGG Awards
- April 1st - April Fool's Prank. Forum is changed to "Waligie Fangames Place" for a day.
- Kritter resigns as Administrator of the forums.
- September 22nd - SonicProject is made a Global Moderator.
- October - Parakarry is made Site Staff.
- February - First Minigame Competition.
- February 28 - Trasher and FanGuy are hired as moderators.
- April 1st - April Fool's Prank. Forum is changed to "Choza Espanol de Pollo Galaxias Fangames de Tio Billy" for a day. Sometimes regarded as MFGG's best April Fools prank ever.
- May - E3 forum opened for E3 2005.
- July 7th - SonicProject resigns as Global Moderator.
- August 2nd - Gehn's 233rd Age forum opened by ShadowMan.
- August - Operation CLAM begins.
- October - "Mario Fan Game Gallery" appears on the American TV Channel, G4's "Attack of The Show" advertising the recently released Super Mario: Blue Twilight DX. Viewers from the show appear on MFGG, overloading the server cutting off MFGG for a few days.
- December - The PPP exploded, due to it's post count.
- December - 2005 MFGG Awards
- February - SPECTRE sub-forum opened in the Pointless Post Palace.
- February/March/April 1st - New warn system instated.
- April 1st - April Fool's Prank. Forum is changed to All About Beards for a day.
- April 17th - Jeff Silvers and Jak are hired as moderators.
- April 18th - Black Squirrel is hired as Site Staff.
- April 20th - Phishfest.
- April 29th - This version of the MFGG Wiki is opened.
- Forum Games forum is merged with the Pointless Post Palace.
- May - E3 forum opened for E3 2006.
- June 8th - 2nd Pointless Post Palace Pruning, Stupidity Discharge.
- June 16th - Donkey Kong meets Mega Man sub-forum opened.
- June 21st - MFGG 2.0 Main Site is opened.
- July 12th - Captain Jeff Silvers begins MFGG Wrestling.
- August 9th - General Friendliness sub-forum is opened in the Arts Board.
- August 16th - Warn Logs become public.
- August 18th - ITF we are muscular trapeze artists created. Attack of the Village People.
- August 31st - 3rd Pointless Post Palace Pruning, Pointless Supernova.
- October 27th - 2006 MFGG Awards
- November 20th - Wii Discussion forum opened.
- December 16th - Pointless Post Palace closed for 3 days.
- January 28th - Tragic, Kitsune Yamato, and Admiral Delmore are made Site Staff
- February 5th - N-Finity, webmaster of The Shy Guy Kingdom, passes away from a diabetic coma. The first recorded death in the Mario fangaming community.
- March 28th - A Day That Will Live in Infamy
- April 1st - April Fool's Prank. Letters were removed from usernames randomly, and three joke submissions appear on the main site. Delmore is fired from Site Staff. Zombie Week begins.
- April 3rd - 4chan Attack
- April 26th - Ylle is made Site Staff.
- June 18th - ShadowMan resigns as Administrator of the forums.
- Trasher is upgraded from Global Moderator to administrator
- June 21st - Message boards are re-structured. General Friendliness moved to Archives. News Forum and Worthless Post Palace opened.
- June 22nd - New Moderators are hired. Jeff Silvers, FanGuy and Jak are upgraded to Global Moderators. Kommandant Dragmire becomes Global Moderator. Joey becomes General Chat moderator, Yoshiman becomes Fangame Discussion moderator, Rage becomes Arts Board moderator and Tragic becomes PPP moderator. Black Squirrel, Hatman and Jas are also made PPP Mods, but with fewer powers.
- Toodles Team is made Site Staff, replacing Ylle.
- July 5th - Custom Word Filter system created. Disabling the profanity filter for your account is now possible.
- July 16th - Hatman resigns from his position as a Pointless Post Palace Forum Moderator.
- July 28th- Toodles Team resigns as Site Staff.
- September 6th - Worthless Post Palace is removed.
- September 15th - Night of the Living "Dupes"
- September 19th - Bacteriophage and Press Start are made Site Staff. Age Restriction rule is dropped.
- October 24th - First Nintendo Community Fangame Convention is held.
- October 27th - MFGG started obsessively tracking its timeline.
- November 14th - Retriever II resigns as forum administrator and now falls under the new Server Admin user group. Admiral Delmore and Stanley are re-instated from their requested permabans. Trasher resigns as administrator as a result. Joey is also demoted from General Chat moderator to member status. Yoshiman and Jas are upgraded to Administrator status. Pointless Post Palace is closed by Klobber permanently.
- November 15th - Tragic is promoted to Global Moderator status.
- November 17th - Sub-forums Sprite Rips (Fangame Discussion) and WIP/Sketch (Arts Board) are created.
- November 18th - Forum Rules are modified to create version 5.0.
- November 22nd - The PPP is deleted, Casual Conversation Castle takes its place.
- November 25th - First Music Competition begins.
- December 2nd - Bacteriophage becomes CCC Mod.
- December 3rd - Tragic declares himself a Badge Moderator.
- December 4th - The first MFGGcret Santa begins.
- December 5th - General Friendliness forum is re-opened and placed in the Dungeon below the CCC. Tragedy Anne becomes Moderator of the forum under the new title Forum Janitor.
- December 12th - Forum Games is re-opened and placed in the Dungeon below the General Friendliness forum.
- December 14th - Trasher resigns from the Site Staff.
- December 17th - The Community Fangame Project is created, and enters the planning stage.
- December 29th - The Forum Games forum is permanently removed from the forum structure.
- December 31st - The Final Day Countdown event took place in the Casual Conversation Castle
- January 2nd - First MFGG Review Drive is organized by ShadowMan.
- January 3rd - A temporary Brawl Discussion forum is added by Yoshiman.
- January 5th - The Community Fangame Project officially begins core development, as both engines are introduced in basic forms.
- January 12th - The requirement for a Happy Heart Badge is dropped from 3 months to 2 months. This means CCC access is also after two months.
- January 23rd - Battle Without Honor or Humility starts. It ends six days later.
- January 27th - Klobber officially resigns as administrator, and Jak resigns as Global Moderator. DJ Yoshiman and Jas appoint Captain Jeff Silvers and Tragic to take his place. Black Squirrel is also upgraded to Global Moderator status.
- January 28th - RageMario and Bacteriophage are also upgraded to Global Moderator status, Pinkybee takes Rage's art moderator position, meaning that the Forum Janitor and CCC Mod member categories are currently obsolete.
- February 9th - DJ Yoshiman and Jas propose plans to remove the CCC, which are recanted by the end of the day after generating enormous controversy and anger.
- February 17th - Dragmire leaves the moderation team.
- February 18th - The Great Mistake
- February 19th - Jas resigns as administrator.
- March 7th - Masahiro Sakurai incident
- March 11th - Tragedy Anne is upgraded to Global Moderator status. Guinea is hired as Fangame Discussion mod, Xgoff General Chat, Ashura Arts Board and Shyguy Grey as General Friendliness mod.
- April 1st - April Fools Prank. CCC is locked and forum suffers "Flood Control 2.0".
- April 2nd - Luminous Reaver's "Codec Cyan" board skin is added.
- May 5th - Yoshiman PM scandal
- May 7th - A load of members decided to leave, stirred by more extra drama of the Yoshiman PM scandal. They include Shadowman, jas, AppleQueso, Neo Hyper Yoshi, and Nova.
- May 10th - Xgoff resigns as General Chat moderator.
- May 28th - Tragic grants name change amnesty and restores the CCC to Casual Only status, then steps down from Admin to Global Moderator, appointing Black Squirrel to take his place.
- June - Group icons are created and made use of.
- July 23rd - Quackers appears.
- August 8th - Life on MFGG
- August 16th - Pucifur and MegaTailzChao added to Site Staff.
- August 17th - The Country Flag System is added, showing a little flag icon before the username.
- January 3rd - WIP/Sketch is merged back into the Art Board.
- January 18th - The Ultra Happy Heart badge is born.
- February 15 - Wii Discussion is merged back into the GC.
- April 1st - April Fools Prank, skins changed by forum, THE VOID engulfs MFGG.
- April 7 - Tragic leaves moderation team and disappears into the abyss.
- April 13th - Shyguy Grey becomes new Global Moderator.
- June 12th - Trial Member System put into place. Guinea becomes administrator.
- June 21st - Kritter returns as Moderator. Tri is also hired.
- August 8th - Black Squirrel announces MFGG message boards are to move to a new forum system; much discussion ensues. Radical changes include the death of the CCC. A few days later, Black Squirrel resigns.
- November 2nd - Retriever II announces the date that the MFGG forum is moving to new software.
- November 7th - MFGG 3.0 opened up to the public after mass hype. Kritter has resigned as Moderator, Trasher is a Global Mod. All regular mods are upgraded to global, except Yoshiman, who refused. Jazz is a regular mod, and so is Mecha the Slag. Mecha the Slag is promoted to Global a few days later. Nick Ainsworth is a new admin.
- December 12th - Dinospoon occurs.
- December 22nd - New namechange system put in place.
- December 31st - Jazz is promoted to Global Mod, leaving DJ Yoshiman as the only regular Mod. Zero Kirby is promoted to Site Staff, and Char is promoted to Admin. Risa is also demoted to regular member.
- January 31st - 2009 MFGG Awards
- February 14th - MFGG is down. TempFGG, a temporary stand-in message board, is created by DavidCaruso.
- Febuary 21st - Char's Simplistic Green skin was added.
- April 1st - April Fools Prank, the forums were "greekified", and Ω takes over MFGG.
- April 2nd - Trasher is demodded for year-banning Guinea for banning Kritter for a day on April Fools for being too negative. The April Fools skin, "MFGGreece", becomes a usable skin (translated to English).
- April 4th - Kyori and Zero Kirby become Moderators for the General Chat.
- May 23rd - The News Forum is resurrected. The MFGG Improvement Initiative is started.
- May 26th - Char and Guinea resign as Admins, stepping down to Moderator status. Mecha the Slag is demodded, due to apparently leaving. Chaoxys and Kyori are promoted to Admins, while Elyk, DavidCaruso and El Huesudo II are promoted to Global Moderators.
- June 2nd - Dex is promoted to Arts Board Mod. Teddy is promoted to Gaming Corner Mod.
- June 17th - Dexy, Elyk, Kyori, and Tragic are made Main Site Comment Moderators.
- June 25th - MFGG Spring Cleaning begins.
- July 8th - Tragic is promoted to General Chat Mod.
- July 11th - Zero Kirby is demoted due to inactivity.
- July 13th - The Lounge opens, DavidCaruso steps down from Global Mod to be a Lounge only mod, Dexy is also a Lounge mod.
- July 15th - Zero Kirby is re-promoted to Mod of the General Chat.
- August 19th - Char gets his own user group, Tech Admin. DJ Yoshiman steps down from his moderator position. Zero Kirby is moved to moderator of the fangame-centered boards.
- August 20th - Alex and Ultramario become mainsite Quality Control.
- October 7th - Dexy is promoted to administrator, DavidCaruso becomes Global Moderator, and McKnackus I becomes the moderator of the Arts Board.
- October 30th - The Murderous MFGGer, an event, narrated by Lemony Snicket, in which several members and event accounts are murdered. St. Nick is thought to be the murderer.
- November 2nd - Serious Forum Games is closed and moved to The Vault.
- November 3rd - DJ Yoshiman and Black Squirrel are promoted to Administrators after Kyori, Chaoxys, and Dex all step down from their Administrator positions, with Kyori staying on as Tech Admin. El Huesudo II also resigns from his position as Global Moderator.
- November 5th - DJ Yoshiman announces plans to separate the fangaming part of the MFGG forums from the community side.
- November 8th - Retriever II steps down from his Webmaster position to regular member, but will still host MFGG. Char is promoted to Webmaster.
- November 15th - MFGG forums close indefinitely. Minus World opens.
- November 26th - MFGG forums re-open. MFGG Wiki moved to new URL.
- April - Many Minigame Competitions begin adopting much tighter time limits of 24 hours, two days, or one week; incidentally, these stricter deadlines cause a noticeable jump in entries and interest.
- May 22nd - Char adds first new mainsite skin since 2006, New Super MFGG Bros., a port of the forum skin based on New Super Mario Bros.
- July 2nd - 30 Games on MFGG Worth Playing feature begins.
- July 9th - MFGG 10th Anniversary. Special events include the release of the MFGG 10th Anniversary Time Capsule and interviews with 15 members integral to MFGG's history.
- October 26th - VinnyVideo is promoted to Global Moderator.
- October 31st - DJ Yoshiman retires from Administrator and steps down from his position as mainsite administrator. Guinea promoted from Global Mod to Administrator, both on the forums and mainsite.
- November - VinnyVideo promoted to Quality Control.
- December 30th - Black Squirrel resigns as Administrator on both the forums and mainsite.
- January 14th - Guinea promoted to Wiki Sysop.
- January 15th - Alex, Puddin, and VinnyVideo promoted to Wiki Sysop.
- January 30th/31st - 2011 MFGG Awards.
- April 18th - VinnyVideo promoted from Global Moderator to Administrator. Vinny also becomes admin level on the mainsite.
- April 19th - Elyk is now Quality Control as well as a comment moderator on the mainsite. Chaoxys promoted from regular member to Quality Control.
- July 25th - Elyk is promoted to Administrator to help update the forum profile fields.
- November 18th - The General Chat forum is revived on a probationary basis. Miles is promoted from regular member to Global Moderator.
- February 8th - 2012 MFGG Awards occurs.
- April 17th - DJane Coco is added to Quality Control staff.
- April 18th - Jazz is demoted from Global Moderator to regular member because of inactivity.
- April 29th - Puddin announces his resignation as Wiki Sysop.
- May 2nd - Rystar is promoted to Wiki Sysop.
- May 10th - Miles is promoted from Global Moderator to Administrator.
- July 10th - Alex is demoted from her Site Staff and Wiki Sysop positions to a regular member due to inactivity.
- July 11th - DJane Coco, Fujiko, and Gameboy are promoted to Global Moderator by applying to Director of HR in the forum moderator hiring event.
- September 13th - The Midas Machine forum is archived.
- September 29th - Rystar is demoted from Wiki Sysop to a regular member and banned due to power abuse.
- October 4th - Nite Shadow is promoted to Wiki Sysop.
- October 4th - Miles steps down from Administrator.
- January 1st - Mainsite Submission Guidelines are revised for the first time since 2005.
- January 26th - MFGG Awards 2013.
- March 10th - Mainsite Submission Rules and Filter Categories are updated, finally announcing the Donkey Kong Country series as acceptable MFGG content.
- April 6th - The News! forum is renamed to News & Events.
- April 13th - Gaming related topics are moved to the new Gaming forum as a test run. The Submit-it forum is also temporarily revived.
- April 20th-27th - The Great MFGG Easter Egg Hunt. Temporary sub-forum Meadow Planet created in General Chat to house the event.
- April 27th - Submit-it is archived after the "Suitable Module Not Found" bug has been squashed.
- July 9th - MFGG's 13th anniversary. VinnyVideo posts results of Who's MFGG? survey.
- August 4th-16th - Draw Kirby With Your Off Hand.
- August 22nd - Yoshbert and Gato promoted to Site staff.
- October 7th-November 5 - King Boo's Halloween Spooktacular event.
- December - Gameboy is demoted from Global Moderator to a regular member due to inactivity.
- January 27th - MFGG Awards 2014 takes place.
- February 16th - DJ Coco is promoted to Administrator, and HylianDev is promoted to Global Moderator.
- April 1st - The PPP temporarily opened for April Fools, and Tusk Bucks were "planned".
- April 2nd-12th - Part 2 of the Great MFGG Easter Egg Hunt. Like part 1, the temporary sub-forum, Marsh Planet, was created at the General Chat to house the event.
- June 1st-16th - The first MFGG Mafia forum game took place.
- July 25th - The Forum Games forum reopened.
- August 4th - The disagree, tired, agree, and laughing smilies were updated to match the style of the rest of the smilies.
- September 11th - Blutorus is promoted to Global Mod, and Gato is now both Quality Control and Global Moderator. Fujiko is demoted from Global Mod to regular member because of inactivity.
- October 26th-November 1st - The Hallowsphere event. It was housed on the Shallow Hallowsphere forum, which was temporarily in the General Chat. The Nyerk nyerk nyerk! event also took place on the General Chat, even though it ended on October 31.
- December 28th - Elyk is no longer an Administrator, and is now just Quality Control. Blutorus is now mainsite Quality Control.
- December 29th - Blutorus is now a forum Administrator instead of a Global Mod, and Yoshbert is now a main site Administrator.
- January 23rd - Miles is now promoted to a Global Moderator status.
- January 26th - The MFGG Awards of 2015 occur.
- February 4th - The Graphics & Audio board is renamed to the Arts Board.
- February 8th - The smilies were updated by Mit and ~CaMtEnDo~, with a few new ones added.
- March 19th - Nite Shadow is now promoted from a Global Moderator status to a Administrator status.
- April 1st - The All That forum skin is created, which was initially made for April Fools 2016.
- July 18th - Miles is promoted to being in an Administrator status.
- September 7th - The PC, Code, and Flash topic icons were updated, while the PS3 and 360 topic icons are removed in favor of the new PS and Xbox icons.
- September 8th - A Unity topic icon was added and the Flash and Sketch topic icons were removed.
- September 10th - A Birthday topic icon got added.
- September 13th - The Game Maker topic icon got updated.
- November 3rd - The Evening Chill skin was added into the forums.
- December 1st-16th - Kirby's Adventure's MFGG Mafia 2 event took place.
- December 14th - A site-wide database error occurs. The main site and wiki were the first to come back up.
- December 24th - Miles earns the promotion to a Quality Control status.
- December 29th - Another site-wide database error took place for a bit.
- January 11th - Nite Shadow resigns from the Administrator, Site Staff, and Wiki Sysop statuses following a series of events sparked by Kirby's Adventure. He is now just a regular member.
- January 15th - Ultramario was demoted from a Site Staff member to just a regular member due to inactivity.
- January 19th - A Switch topic icon was added.
- January 24th - A set of avatars from Super NES games (most of which represent Mario games) was added to the gallery.
- January 29th - MFGG Awards 2016 takes place.
- February 22nd - Suggestions forum is opened.
- February 27th - The structure of the main page of the forums has been changed twice.
- March 4th - Nintendo Switch friend codes can now be inserted in profiles.
- March 13th - April 14th - Mario Madness occurs.
- April 15th - MFGG now uses HTTPS on the mainsite, forums, and Wiki.
- April 22nd - Dustinvgmaster is promoted to Quality Control.
- May 28th - Guinea announces his retirement as Administrator. He's now a regular member.
- June 16th - DJ Coco resigns as Administrator. Coco is now a regular member on both the forums and mainsite.
- June 22nd - Elyk was demoted from a Quality Control member to just a regular member.
- July 9th - Space Junk Galaxy replaces Forum Games on the forums; Forum Games is archived. MFGG Facebook page is officially launched.
- July 11th - MFGG's Youtube Channel was officially launched.
- July 18th - Langton is promoted to Quality Control. Miles resigns as Administrator and is a regular member again.
- August 6th - Dustinvgmaster and Zero Kirby are promoted to Global Moderator status in addition to being Quality Control. HylianDev is now officially an Administrator instead of just a Global Moderator.
- September 25th - VinnyVideo sets up a MyBB test board that later becomes the new MyBB forum.
- September 26th - Yoshin is now a Wiki Sysop.
- October - WAH-loween takes place, with Halloween-themed content and events taking place.
- October 6th - The WAHloween skin was added to the main site.
- October 15th - MFGG Discord Group is launched.
- October 23rd - Do the Odyssey is opened in honor of the upcoming release of Super Mario Odyssey.
- November 24th - The forums get a Majora's Mask-style countdown to the end of the phpBB era.
- November 27th - The phpBB forums are retired at 6 A.M. Eastern time. The new MyBB forums are officially launched later that day.
- April 9th - Yoshin is now a forum moderator in addition to being a Wiki Sysop.
- May 20th - Pedigree is now a forum moderator in addition to being the Social Media Manager.
- May 30th - The main site now accepts ROM hacks.
- June 4th - The main site has a new mobile friendly look that matches the forums.
- June 24th - Yoshin is now Quality Control as well as a forum mod and Wiki Sysop.
- July 9th - Mario Fan Games Galaxy 17th Birthday
- July 27th - Kirby's Adventure, Beatrice, Fun With Despair, and rollerC become the first chat-specific mods in the MFGG Discord Group.
- September 18th - Fun With Despair and Hypernova are promoted to Site Staff positions and will serve as mainsite comment mods.
- October 22nd - Vitiman was promoted to Tech Admin.
- November 27th - First anniversary of MyBB forums.
- November 28th - MFGG staff shuffling: Yoshin was promoted to Administrator. Fun With Despair was promoted to Global Moderator and Quality Control. Vitiman and Hypernova was promoted to Quality Control. HylianDev stepped down from Administrator to Tech Admin.
- November 29th - Pedigree resigns from being part of the staff.
- December 18th - The main site now separates ROM hacks from the "Games" section, and now gives them their own section called "Hacks and Mods".
- December 24th - Several staff members resign: Kirby's Adventure resigns his Discord Mod position, Dustinvgmaster steps down as Administrator, and Zero Kirby steps down as Global Moderator. Cruise Elroy demotes himself from Administrator to Quality Control, and Vitiman goes from Tech Admin to Quality Control.
- December 26th - Mors is promoted to forum moderator and Social Media Manager.
- January 10th - The original MFGG Discord Group is archived and a new Discord server is launched.
- January 19th - GamerInGeorgia and Evil Yoshi Toes are now forum moderators. Chaoxys is demoted from Quality Control to regular member.
- February 8th - VinnyVideo retires from his Administrator position and is now a Tech Admin.
- May 19th - MFGG now accepts submissions other than just the Mario franchise.
- May 27th - Yoshin demoted from the Administrator position due to lack of involvement and activity
- June 8th - Beatrice is demoted from Discord Moderator because of lack of activity
- June 14th - Major staff role restructure, Gatete was promoted to Main Site Moderator, Fun With Despair was promoted to Forum Admin, Vitiman was promoted to Main Site Admin.
- June 28th - Ye Olde MFGGe Game Jamboree, hosted by Roo, began and ended on July 8th.
- June 30th - MFGG Homecoming, created by GeneralGuy, begins and ended on August 11th.
- July 9th - Mario Fan Games Galaxy 18th Birthday
- July 31st - Vitiman resigns from the Site Staff.
- Aug 11th - Recent and Morgario (RevampedSpider) were promoted to Discord Trial Mod. Evil Yoshi Toes is promoted to Global Moderator.
- January 16th - 2019 MFGG Awards.
- December 3rd - SilverVortex is now Site Staff; Gatete is now an Administrator on the mainsite
- January 15th - Clobbah resigns as Discord Moderator
- February 17th - Recent is no longer a Discord Moderator; SilverVortex now has the Discord Moderator role as well
- May - ReynLynxPSI becomes a Quality Control staffer
- September - Evil Yoshi Toes resigns as staff member
- October - Shikaternia and Luigibonus become Main Site Moderators.